Frequently Asked Questions
What is National Fruits & Veggies Month?
National Fruits & Veggies Month (NFVM) is a month-long celebration of everyone’s favorite plants – fruits and veggies!
Why is there a National Fruits & Veggies Month?
Scientific research demonstrates the importance of fruit and vegetable intake to reduce the risk of and manage chronic diseases as well as improve health and well-being. Yet, the vast majority of Americans do not meet recommended fruit and vegetable intake, and there’s been no significant increase in consumption over time.
We recognize this significant consumption crisis is affecting not just our health and happiness, but also our culture, society and economy. National Fruits & Veggies Month is a time to elevate fruit and vegetable consumption to a national priority. View the research to learn more.
What’s the call-to-action?
We encourage everyone to use September as an opportunity to create new fruit and vegetable habits: either by simply adding one or more fruit and/or veggie to their daily routines, or even experiencing one you’ve never tried before! Have A Plant® at every meal or snacking occasion for better health and happiness.
Why September?
Many industry stakeholders and consumer-facing influencers have historically promoted fruits and vegetables in September. In 2019, NFVM was launched to elevate new fruit and vegetable consumption behaviors as a national priority in conjunction with the Have A Plant® Movement.
What’s the difference between NFVM and Have A Plant®?
Have A Plant® is the behavior-based consumer movement. NFVM is a month-long campaign and an opportunity to raise awareness of the consumption crisis and spread the fruit and veggie love in a coordinated, surround-sound way.
What is the 2024 NFVM Theme?
The 2024 theme, Every Time You Eat, Have A Plant®, highlights hacks, flavor and fun! We all need to be eating plants at every turn throughout our food journeys, so we’re highlighting ways to make it easy Have A Plant® while shopping, dining out, enjoying a meal with family, at school or on-the-go for better health and happiness.
What is the 2024 hashtag?
Great question! We’re asking everyone to use #haveaplant and #NFVM2024 in all of your fruit and veggie posts this September! Follow us on Facebook @fruitsandveggies; Instagram @fruitsandveggies; and Pinterest @fruits_veggies.
Is there a fee to collaborate with The Foundation for Fresh Produce on NFVM?
No. We offer campaign graphics, messaging, hashtags, activation ideas, expert advice and more for FREE! Let’s join forces and share the fruit and veggie love! #haveaplant #NFVM2024
Are these materials specifically for use in September only or can they be used year-round?
It’s always a good time to Have A Plant®! In fact, most of these ideas can be implemented year-round and is absolutely encouraged! Still, some campaign materials are designed to be used in September specifically. You can distinguish NFVM specific materials by using the hashtag #NFVM2024.
How can I generate excitement for NFVM within my organization?
Check out the resources within this Toolkit for a variety of ideas on how to promote NFVM depending on your organization. The ideas are broken out specifically for social media and online engagement; as well ideas for everyone, including companies within the produce industry; retail-specific ideas; and thought-starters for chefs, culinarians and foodservice professionals.
Why should I support NFVM?
Here are our top 5 reasons to collaborate with us on NFVM:
- NFVM is fun and newsworthy, so your organization can receive positive media mentions associated with the Have A Plant® Movement;
- We have a large social media following—hitch your hashtag to ours and get a content, product and/or brand boost;
- Go beyond promoting fruits and veggies to supporting consumers in eating more and make a difference for the public good;
- Your organization can talk about being a part of the solution to solve the fruit and vegetable consumption crisis; and
- Oh yeah, and it’s the right thing to do. #haveaplant