Get Your Nutrients This Summer With Citrus
Say hello to summer citrus and all the vitamin C that comes with it. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and the citrus is… citrus-ier. If that’s even possible. Valencia oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are all in-season, all summer long. Here is summer’s de-lish and nutrition-packed lineup of in-season varieties. Don’t eat ‘em all at once. Orrrr do.
Pro-tip when you get citrus this summer (or any time of the year for that matter): Keep your citrus fresh waaay longer by storing it in a cool area (like, say, your fridge). And if you want to get really technical, a temperature of roughly 45 degrees is prime.
Valencia Oranges
While the summer solstice marks the first official day of summer, the Valencia orange is the Official Orange of American Summers. But why is that honor bestowed upon Valencia’s, you ask? Well, they’re 100% U.S. grown and 100% fresh and juicy. Do you love orange juice? Thanks to a perfect, juicy balance of tart and sweet, Valencia oranges are just right for juicing.
Aside from being perfect for juicing, just one Valencia orange contains 70% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. Which we realize is like a C- on the grading scale, but on the citrus scale, that’s an A+. They also contain 20% of your daily recommended intake of folate.
Valencia oranges are available from February through early November globally with peak availability in North America from July through October.
Brighter than the sun and just about everything else; the lemon is truly a citrus for all seasons. They are available all year. No commitment issues here. And they are one of the most versatile varieties. But a hot summer day and a glass of fresh lemonade? Name a more iconic duo. Lemons and summer jsut seem to go together.
This variety has a bright, floral aroma with tart and tangy flavor that brightens up any dish or drink on a hot summer day.
And just when you think it can’t get any better, lemons are rich in vitamin C with 25% of your daily recommended intake in just one lemon. They’re also an excellent substitute for salt. It’s as tasty as it is healthy and oh, not to mention, it’s super easy too. Plus, it’s backed by research from master chefs over at Johnson & Wales University (no big deal). By opting for fresh lemon juice and zest in place of some salt, you can cut as much as 75% of sodium from all sorts of recipes, without losing flavor. Nutritional win. Keeping the healthy in without kicking any of the flavor out – Check and mate.
Snack or meal? Sweet or tart? Grapefruit go both ways. But the one thing they never waver on: nutrition. Bursting with delicious juice and boasting a distinct tangy flavor, grapefruit pack a nutritional punch and have many culinary uses. Something that tastes incredibly good shouldn’t be so good for you, but we don’t make the rules.
You can enjoy grapefruit all summer long with the California Star Ruby grapefruit and Summer Marsh Ruby grapefruit, both extremely juicy with sweet-tart flavor. The California Star Ruby grapefruit is available April through July and the Summer Marsh Ruby grapefruit available mid-June through mid-October.
Eating grapefruit may play a supporting role in helping maintain a healthy body weight. And on top of that, they’re an excellent source of vitamin C with 50% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin in just half a grapefruit. They are also a good source of vitamin A and fiber. And their gorgeous pink hue comes from the natural presence of lycopene, a naturally-occurring antioxidant associated with promoting prostate and heart health. Alright, that’s enough boasting for now. The other varieties might start to get jealous.