Stay-At-Home Holiday Memories
California Prunes offer old-world flavor, while bringing new allure to these traditional recipes. Find comfort with these nostalgic treats all season long.
Diner-style Rice Pudding Cheesecake
Allison Robicelli’s recipe for Rice Pudding Cheesecake Pie, had us diving right in. Then we realized while her version is amazing, perhaps it was missing a little something? What good is rice pudding without a bit of cinnamon, vanilla, and dried fruit, so we added a little spice and some California Prunes, and created diner-inspired dessert perfection.
Think rice pudding cake sounds a little out there? Consider that in Italy both savory and sweet versions of torta di riso – a cake made of rice and custard on a crust of crushed cookies or breadcrumbs – have been enjoyed for decades.
Recipe: https://californiaprunes.org/recipe/diner-style-rice-pudding-cheesecake/
Incredible Pecan Sticky Buns
Mall-style cinnamon rolls can step aside. These fluffy buns are loaded with toasted pecans and chunks of California Prunes and topped with a glossy, buttery, sticky glaze for beyond-bakery flavor. This Incredible Pecan Sticky Bun recipe is definitely the way to take your breakfast-baking game to the next level.
Recipe: https://californiaprunes.org/recipe/incredible-pecan-sticky-buns/