How Does A Plum Become A Prune?
Although all prunes are plums, not all plums can be prunes.
It starts with specific varieties of plums grown with care in California’s mild climate and premium soil. Once the fruit is perfectly ripe, it is harvested and sorted by machine. The fresh plums travel immediately from the orchard to the drying facility, where they are washed and put into temperature-controlled drying tunnels to become California Prunes.
California is the perfect place to grow prunes because of the lush valleys with rich soils and the long, warm growing season. The Golden State has the most rigorous environmental protection and highest food safety standards in the world. California is the world’s largest prune producer growing 40 percent of the world’s prunes that are sent to more than 50 countries around the world each year.
Learn more about how California Prunes are grown and harvested here: https://californiaprunes.org/growing-harvesting/