Do Good With Good Food
There is no denying the fact that fruits and vegetables are good for you! The abundance of nutrients and antioxidants contribute to your physical, mental and social health in immeasurable ways. But did you know, that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is actually good for the environment too?
Growing evidence concludes that our daily decisions have a significant impact on our environment. From the products we use to the habits we hold and the foods we eat; there are so many ways for us to make a positive footprint on our future!
Use it, Don’t Lose it
Food waste is the number one way to not only save money but help save the environment. To do this, follow the 3 P’s: plan, purchase and prepare. With a plan, there is no guessing what we may or may not use in the week. Aimlessly putting items in our cart without a plan leads to a greater chance for food not to get used before it perishes. Once you have your plan in place, head to the store. Keep an eye on sales, quality of products, and be ready to pivot in case an item is out of stock. Keep in mind when shopping for fruits and vegetables, canned and frozen varieties are great options; they last longer and are just as nutrient-dense as fresh. After returning home, make sure you have a game plan to prepare the items. What needs to be washed, chopped, portioned? Do this ASAP so your family can start eating right away!
‘Tis the Season
When adding fruits and vegetables to your shopping list, stick to your favorite seasonal picks. Not only does this ensure that you get the best of the best tasting produce, but you will also save money and help reduce the transportation costs of out-of-season fruits and vegetables that travel from afar.
Have A Plant
Sounds simple right? Just remember small changes make a big impact. So #haveaplant at each meal and it will be a win-win for your health and the world we live in!