Make Breakfast Your Family Meal
September celebrates National Fruits & Veggies Month and National Family Meals Month™ and I am a huge supporter of both! The tricky, and sometimes frustrating part, is trying to make the time for these meals! I’m sure all families (with or without kids!) can relate to this. Evenings are often hectic with sporting events, community organization meetings and activities and so many other things.
Most people think that the evening meal is meant to be the Family Meal- what I like to do is have breakfast be the family meal. This is something that works for us and I think it could work for some other families, too! Plus, when we do have a free night when we can all eat together, we get 2 family meals in one day!
Some of you are maybe thinking… “how are we supposed to get everyone up and out of bed to have a family breakfast if we can’t even leave the house on time!?”. Trust me, you can do it! Just because you have everyone around the table for breakfast, doesn’t mean you have to have a grand breakfast. Sometimes having whole grain cereal with yogurt, fresh berries and a hard-boiled egg are not only easy to prep, but easy to eat! The most important piece of family meals is that we are all eating together and enjoying the meal time. Let the phone calls, texts, and work emails take a break while you enjoy your family time.
Also think about how you can batch cook breakfast at the beginning of the week or on Sundays to make it easy on you during the busy weekday morning. Perhaps you make a batch of muffins, breakfast bars, or even omelet cups! All of these options can include fruits and/or vegetables as well. Perhaps you even just pre-chop some fruit so that it is easy to grab in the morning to add to cereal or yogurt.
Share with us some of your favorite family meal recipes! One of my favorite batch cooking breakfast ideas—Blueberry Walnut Protein Breakfast Bars! You can find the recipe here. It’s incredibly easy to make and the whole family will enjoy it.